Hello, I'm
Josh Holmes

Full Stack Developer

Mobile Developer

Front End Developer

Back End Developer

View CV

My Projects

Palace Drum Clinic


React Disco App

Quiz App

Uber Eats Clone (Mobile)

Password Generator

Weather App

React Native Goals

About Me

Hey, I'm Josh Holmes

I began learning how to code over lockdown by building a React Native application for the Palace Drum Clinic. Since then, I have used Udemy courses to learn languages such as, Python, Typescript, React Native and more. I have gained more skills from doing the Coding Bootcamp Course through Birmingham University, which provided me with the skills for Full Stack Web Development leading me to becoming a software engineer with Skyscanner.
While I am looking forward to beginning a tech career, I also have many hobbies and interests. My main one is music. I have always loved learning instruments and the challenges that need to be overcome to improve. I play drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano and vocals and I have been writing and recording my own music for the past few years. I have loved building up a following and had opportunities to play at gigs and festivals, as well as being supported by BBC Introducing and gaining over 300k streams on Spotify.

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